Friday, July 23, 2010

Our Chickies

This is our tiniest chickie, Waverly. She's a Bantam Chicken. We have four but the others are much bigger. They free-roam our property and have such wonderful and specific personalities. It's so amazing how every creature, big and small, has unique characteristics...God is in the details. The only problem is, we're not big egg eaters so too many of our eggs are being wasted. We're getting about four a day. If any of you are big fans of fresh chickie eggs, let me know and when we've got extras, we'll bring them by or you can come get them.
Who in town is ready for fall? I am...I am!!!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Very cool Jess! Aaron has been bugging me for years to get chickens. We use a lot of eggs in the fall/ winter but not too many in the summer, less baking I guess.
Doesn't having them just make you want to move to the country and live on a farm? Maybe PEI : ) Oh, how I dream about that....

Jess said...

Yes! I have been very tempted too. This lady who lives there once told me they even sleep with their doors unlocked because it's so safe. Of course, how would I get my chickens over there? That would be an adventure:)